Dispute Resolution

Maken Law Associates has provided alternative dispute resolution services throughout the Pakistan since 1975. With its network of professional mediators, arbitrators, administrators and training staff, Maken Law Associates provides a wide range of dispute resolution services to the legal community, insurance industry, private businesses and government agencies across the country.

Services available through Maken Law Associates include mediation, arbitration, settlement conferences, neutral fact-finding, statutory discharge hearings, grievance-based hearing procedures, mini-trials, class action administration, dispute resolution system design and consulting, negotiation skills, conflict management and mediation training, and discovery management.


Arbitration is a legal process which takes place outside of the courts, but still results in a final and legally binding decision similar to a court judgment. Parties involved in arbitration are effectively opting out of the court system and submitting their case for resolution by a neutral, third party arbitrator. The reasons for selecting arbitration vary from case to case. Arbitration is generally faster, less expensive and more informal than going to court. It also has the advantage of being private and confidential.

Within the limits permitted by law, parties are free to negotiate the ground rules under which they want the arbitration to take place, such as the number of arbitrators or whether formal rules of evidence will apply. Binding arbitration clauses can be written into most kinds of contracts, requiring that in the event a dispute arises in conjunction with the contract, the parties will go to binding arbitration instead of to court. The cost of arbitration is generally shared by the parties.

The decision of an arbitrator is as binding on the parties to the arbitration as a court judgment, and it can be enforced by the courts, if necessary.

What is arbitration?

Arbitration is a method of dispute resolution in which a neutral third party, an arbitrator, conducts an evidentiary hearing and/or reviews written submissions from the parties. Upon consideration of the evidence, the arbitrator makes a legally binding decision which can be enforced in the same manner as a civil court judgment.

Arbitration differs from mediation in that once you enter the arbitration process, you are bound by the arbitrator's decision. Mediation is a negotiation process, in which the mediator helps the parties negotiate a mutually acceptable solution.

How does arbitration work?

Arbitration provides distinct advantages over the court system in many different types of disputes. Because arbitration is a private method of settling disputes, parties can tailor the arbitration proceeding in almost any manner they choose. For example, parties involved in arbitration can agree to limit the number of witnesses each side will present, set parameters on the amount and type of evidence that will be presented, and pre-determine what issues the arbitrator's award should cover.

Another important benefit of arbitration is its ability to provide the parties with an arbitrator experienced in the subject matter of the dispute. Many cases involve complex evidence, testimony, and documents. The arbitrator's knowledge allows for a quick understanding of the issues, which in turn saves time and expense.

Because they are conducted by private agreement, arbitration hearings are not open to the public and the decisions reached are generally not matters of public record.

What is high-low arbitration?

In High-Low arbitration, the parties mutually establish, prior to the hearing, a range in which the award must be. lf the arbitrator's decision is between the high and the low figures, that amount is the final award. However, if the award is above the pre-set maximum, it automatically moves down to the previously agreed-upon high figure. Conversely, if the arbitrator's decision is below the established minimum, the award moves up to the predetermined low figure. In most instances, the parties agree to not inform the arbitrator of the range of their High-Low agreement.

Is arbitration final?

Arbitration awards are final and binding on all parties to the arbitration, and may not be appealed except under very limited circumstances provided by statute. Awards may be confirmed in any court having jurisdiction and, thereafter, carry the same force and effect as an original court decision. Rules of Arbitration include an Internal Appeal Procedure, but it does not apply unless the parties specifically so state in their Contract to Arbitrate.